Task description
This is a demo task.
Write a function:
def solution(A)
that, given an array A of N integers, returns the smallest positive integer (greater than 0) that does not occur in A.
For example, given A = [1, 3, 6, 4, 1, 2], the function should return 5.
Given A = [1, 2, 3], the function should return 4.
Given A = [−1, −3], the function should return 1.
Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:
- N is an integer within the range [1..100,000];
- each element of array A is an integer within the range [−1,000,000..1,000,000].
Copyright 2009–2021 by Codility Limited. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying, publication or disclosure prohibited.
O(N) or O(N * log(N))
# you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
# print("this is a debug message")
def solution(A):
# write your code in Python 3.6
s1 = set([num if num > 0 else 0 for num in A])
s2 = (num+1 for num in range(len(s1)+1))
return min(set(s2).difference(s1))
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